Finishing Touches on Your ED/EA Application

Finishing Touches on Your ED/EA Application

Applying to college is a significant milestone, and if you're considering Early Decision (ED) or Early Action (EA), you're likely eager to secure your spot at your dream school ahead of the regular admissions cycle. As the deadline approaches, it's crucial to ensure your application is polished and presents you in the best possible light.

Understanding Early Decision and Early Action

Before diving into the finishing touches, let's briefly recap what ED and EA entail:

  • Early Decision (ED): A binding agreement where you commit to attending the college if accepted. You can only apply ED to one school.
  • Early Action (EA): A non-binding option that allows you to apply early but doesn't require a commitment to attend if accepted. You can apply EA to multiple schools unless they have restrictive policies.

Both options offer the advantage of receiving an admissions decision earlier, which can alleviate stress and help you plan accordingly.

The Importance of Early Submission

Submitting your application three to five days before the deadline offers several benefits:

  • Technical Assurance: Avoid last-minute technical glitches that could prevent submission.
  • Admissions Impression: Demonstrates responsibility and eagerness, reflecting well on you as a candidate.
  • Peace of Mind: Reduces stress by eliminating the pressure of a looming deadline.

Step-by-Step Guide to Perfecting Your ED/EA Application

1. Review Application Requirements Thoroughly

Timeline: 10-14 days before the deadline

  • Checklist Creation: Compile a list of all required materials, including transcripts, test scores, essays, recommendation letters, and supplementary documents.
  • College Portal Familiarity: Ensure you're familiar with the college's application portal and submission process.
  • Policy Understanding: Double-check the ED/EA policies, especially if applying to multiple schools with EA options.

Action Item: Verify that you have met all prerequisites and have all necessary documents ready for submission.

2. Finalize Your Personal Statement and Essays

Timeline: 7-10 days before the deadline

  • Content Review: Read through your essays to ensure they answer the prompts effectively and reflect your genuine voice.
  • Clarity and Coherence: Check for logical flow and clear articulation of ideas.
  • Proofreading: Look for grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and typos.
  • Feedback Incorporation: If you haven't already, seek feedback from trusted mentors, teachers, or family members.

Action Item: Make any final edits and ensure your essays are polished and compelling.

3. Confirm Letters of Recommendation

Timeline: 7 days before the deadline

  • Reconnection with Recommenders: Politely remind your teachers or counselors of the upcoming deadline.
  • Submission Verification: Check the application portal to see if the letters have been submitted.
  • Backup Plan: If a recommender is unresponsive, consider reaching out to an alternative who knows you well.

Action Item: Ensure all recommendation letters are submitted or will be submitted on time.

4. Double-Check Standardized Test Scores

Timeline: 5-7 days before the deadline

  • Score Reports Sent: Confirm that your SAT, ACT, or other standardized test scores have been sent to the college.
  • Superscoring Policies: Understand if the college superscores and ensure all relevant test dates are reported.
  • Test-Optional Consideration: If applying test-optional, ensure you've met any additional requirements.

Action Item: Verify with testing agencies that your scores have been sent and received.

5. Review and Update Your Resume or Activity List

Timeline: 5 days before the deadline

  • Recent Achievements: Add any new awards, honors, or activities since you first drafted your application.
  • Clarity and Brevity: Ensure descriptions are concise and highlight your most significant accomplishments.
  • Consistency: Match the information with what's mentioned elsewhere in your application.

Action Item: Update your resume or activity list to reflect your most current achievements.

6. Complete Supplemental Materials

Timeline: 5 days before the deadline

  • Supplemental Essays: Review and polish any additional essays required by the college.
  • Portfolios or Auditions: If applicable, finalize any artistic submissions or prepare for scheduled auditions.
  • Additional Documents: Ensure any required forms, such as the ED Agreement, are completed and signed.

Action Item: Submit all supplemental materials well ahead of the deadline to avoid any last-minute issues.

7. Verify Personal Information

Timeline: 3-5 days before the deadline

  • Accuracy Check: Ensure your name, contact information, and personal details are correct.
  • Consistency: Confirm that personal information matches across all documents, including test scores and transcripts.
  • Parent/Guardian Information: Double-check any required details about your parents or guardians.

Action Item: Review all personal information fields for accuracy and completeness.

8. Proofread the Entire Application

Timeline: 3-5 days before the deadline

  • Holistic Review: Read through every section of your application as a cohesive document.
  • Formatting Consistency: Ensure fonts, spacing, and formatting are uniform throughout.
  • Spell Check: Use spell-check tools but also manually read for context-specific errors.

Action Item: Conduct a final proofread to catch any overlooked mistakes.

9. Seek a Second Pair of Eyes

Timeline: 3-5 days before the deadline

  • Fresh Perspective: Have a teacher, counselor, or trusted adult review your application.
  • Feedback Reception: Be open to last-minute suggestions that could enhance your application.
  • Avoid Overcrowding Opinions: Limit reviewers to prevent conflicting advice that could cause confusion.

Action Item: Incorporate any critical feedback that improves clarity or correctness.

10. Prepare for Submission

Timeline: 2-3 days before the deadline

  • Technical Requirements: Ensure you have a reliable internet connection and that your documents are in the correct format.
  • Payment Readiness: Have your payment method ready for any application fees.
  • Submission Plan: Allocate dedicated time to submit without distractions or interruptions.

Action Item: Set aside a specific time to submit your application, allowing for unexpected delays.

11. Submit Your Application

Timeline: 2-3 days before the deadline

  • Final Verification: Before hitting submit, confirm that all components are complete and attached.
  • Confirmation Receipt: After submission, save or print the confirmation page or email.
  • Application Fee Payment: Ensure the payment is processed and received.

Action Item: Officially submit your application and celebrate this significant accomplishment.

12. Follow Up Post-Submission

Timeline: Within 24 hours after submission

  • Email Verification: Check for a confirmation email from the college.
  • Application Portal Access: Log in to any applicant portals provided to monitor your application's status.
  • Thank Your Supporters: Send thank-you notes to recommenders and anyone else who assisted you.

Action Item: Stay engaged with the process by monitoring your application's progress and expressing gratitude.

Tips for a Smooth Application Process

Start Early
  • Avoid Procrastination: Starting early reduces stress and allows ample time for revisions.
  • Deadlines Awareness: Keep track of all deadlines using a calendar or planner.
Stay Organized
  • Document Management: Keep all application materials in a dedicated folder, whether digital or physical.
  • Checklist Use: Regularly update your application checklist to track completed and pending tasks.
Maintain Communication
  • Stay in Touch: Keep open lines of communication with counselors, teachers, and recommenders.
  • Updates Sharing: Inform your supporters of any changes or important milestones.
Take Care of Yourself
  • Self-Care Practices: Ensure you're getting enough rest, nutrition, and relaxation.
  • Stress Management: Engage in activities that help reduce stress, such as exercise or hobbies.

Why Submitting Early Matters

Avoiding Technical Issues
  • System Overloads: Application portals can become overwhelmed close to deadlines.
  • Technical Support: Submitting early allows time to resolve any technical problems that may arise.
Demonstrating Interest
  • Proactivity Indicator: Early submission can signal to admissions officers that you're organized and genuinely interested.
Buffer for Unexpected Events
  • Life Happens: Illness, family emergencies, or other unforeseen events can disrupt last-minute plans.
  • Peace of Mind: Early submission removes the anxiety associated with tight deadlines.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

Ignoring Instructions
  • Prompt Adherence: Ensure all essays and answers directly address the prompts provided.
  • Formatting Requirements: Follow guidelines for document formats, word counts, and submission protocols.
Last-Minute Changes
  • Over-Editing: Making significant changes close to the deadline can introduce errors.
  • Second-Guessing: Trust the work you've put in over weeks or months rather than making impulsive edits.
Neglecting Supplements
  • Equal Importance: Supplemental essays and materials are critical components of your application.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Ensure supplements receive the same attention as your primary application.

Final Thoughts

Completing your ED/EA application is a significant achievement that brings you one step closer to your college aspirations. By following this structured approach and aiming to submit your application three to five days before the due date, you position yourself for success while minimizing stress.

Remember, the goal is to present the most authentic and polished version of yourself to admissions committees. Careful preparation, attention to detail, and proactive submission not only enhance your application but also demonstrate your commitment and readiness for college life.

Good luck on your journey, and don't forget to take a moment to appreciate all the hard work you've invested in this process.

At Admyssion, we're dedicated to supporting students through every step of the college application process. For more personalized guidance, tips, and resources, explore our blog or connect with our team of admissions experts. Your future is bright, and we're here to help you shine.

Categories: Admission Tips

Frequently Asked Questions
How many days before the ED/EA deadline should I submit my application?

You should aim to submit your application three to five days before the due date to avoid last-minute issues.

Why is it important to submit my ED/EA application early?

Early submission helps prevent technical glitches, reduces stress, and demonstrates responsibility and eagerness to admissions officers.

What are the key steps to finalize my ED/EA application?

Review all requirements, finalize essays, confirm recommendation letters, verify test scores, update your resume, complete supplemental materials, and proofread the entire application.

How can I ensure my recommendation letters are submitted on time?

Politely remind your recommenders of the upcoming deadline and check the application portal to verify their submission.

What should I do after submitting my ED/EA application?

Monitor for confirmation emails, access applicant portals to track your application's status, and thank everyone who assisted you.

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